Thursday, February 2, 2006

Spellbound Again

I couldn't help but notice, while reading the Maine Christian Civic League's blog, continuing harassment of the Spellbound lingerie store in Augusta. Unbelievable. Seems some topless photos of the lingerie models were taken for some of the ladies' personal use when the store was closed. To quote the League's blog:

After it was learned that nude photos were taken on the premises of the Spellbound lingerie store in Augusta, the Augusta Police Department was interested in interviewing the owner, Felicia Stockford, on Thursday of last week. Stockford wrote on her online blog that the police were scheduled to visit her store on Thursday to take statements from everyone.” The outcome of the visit was apparently that no crime had been committed, since the whole affair occurred out of sight, before the store opened for business.

It's interesting that the League omits in its account that Matthew Hein, one of their own, is the one who called the police after seeing references to the photos on Stockford's blog. Welcome to the blogosphere, Felicia! Sounds like you have some of Augusta's finest citizens reading your blog! MCCL reviewed it thusly:

To find proof of this we need look no farther than to the Spellbound lngerie shop on Water Street in Augusta. The behavior of the owner Felicia Stockford has gone from disgraceful, to repugnant, and now can only be called abominable, in the true and proper sense of that word. Her online ravings and rantings have long since left the realm of human sexuality, and now are exploring a darker side of mankind better left to priests, well-trained medical professionals, and yes, even exorcists. It is simply impossible to describe her writings here.

I guess I'll have to do some searching for blogs written by exorcists to see if that is true. And I would pay a great deal to get such a review from the MCCL. I would exhibit it proudly on my front page.

And now the Christian Right in Maine plans to protest the business on the day they hope to have big sales for Valentine's Day. What a classy lot. I've done some protesting in my time, and I'd never suggest that people don't have the right to do that, but don't these people realize that they will be putting Stockford's sales through the roof? She couldn't possibly afford all the advertizing they're giving her for free in the state's news media!

Advice from a non-Christian Mainer to Mike Heath: Stick to the more interesting Venezuelan Oil Deal research. Though what that has to do with spreading Christian ideals in Maine, I don't quite get.



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