Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Just a test
Fear not, I'm just going thru some layout updates. Blogger has pulled me kicking and screaming into their new interface.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Escape from Walker's Point
I have recently twice had reason to enter the grounds of the Bush compound at Walker's Point in Kennebunkport. The first time was last week, and the second today. Let's just say I am a service tech for a company of whom Bush the elder is a customer.
The funny thing about it is that, about fifteen years ago, I was a protestor near the grounds of Walker's Point, along with my friends of the long-defunct Shebang Street Theatre. At the time, Rabin was visiting the then-president. It seemed funny to now see the situation from the inside as preparations were being made for Putin. I wondered if they still had video clips of me and my fellow protestors from so long ago. If they did, they hadn't put it through any facial recognition scanners, apparently. Or I've aged incredibly poorly.
I actually got a surprize personal meeting with the elder Bush last week. I never voted for him, nor his son, but in the brief few moments of interaction with him, I perceived a genuinely kind, intelligent and decent human being. As he came back through the area a few minutes later, he actually gave my shoulder a little punch.
No, politics did not come up.
The funniest part of the day came as I was trying to leave the compound. My vehicle had been parked in by some others. After trying to go up a dead-end driveway to a little bungalow that I quite mistakenly hoped might have a turnabout, I had to execute a seventy-seven point turn to get out. Just as I thought I was in the clear, a Secret Service agent approached and demanded, "Hey, what are you doing?!!" He looked somewhat like the red-headed agent on 24.
Sensing I might be in some kind of trouble, I calmly stated that I had been servicing a unit, and was now leaving. I felt he might believe me, since my company's name is emblazoned across three sides of my vehicle.
"The one in this building?" he barked.
"No, the one in the next building over."
Now his demeanor melted a bit, to let me know he'd been having some fun with me. "Well, we've been having some troubles with the one here, too. Would you mind having a look?"
After changing into fresh undies, I did.
The funny thing about it is that, about fifteen years ago, I was a protestor near the grounds of Walker's Point, along with my friends of the long-defunct Shebang Street Theatre. At the time, Rabin was visiting the then-president. It seemed funny to now see the situation from the inside as preparations were being made for Putin. I wondered if they still had video clips of me and my fellow protestors from so long ago. If they did, they hadn't put it through any facial recognition scanners, apparently. Or I've aged incredibly poorly.
I actually got a surprize personal meeting with the elder Bush last week. I never voted for him, nor his son, but in the brief few moments of interaction with him, I perceived a genuinely kind, intelligent and decent human being. As he came back through the area a few minutes later, he actually gave my shoulder a little punch.
No, politics did not come up.
The funniest part of the day came as I was trying to leave the compound. My vehicle had been parked in by some others. After trying to go up a dead-end driveway to a little bungalow that I quite mistakenly hoped might have a turnabout, I had to execute a seventy-seven point turn to get out. Just as I thought I was in the clear, a Secret Service agent approached and demanded, "Hey, what are you doing?!!" He looked somewhat like the red-headed agent on 24.
Sensing I might be in some kind of trouble, I calmly stated that I had been servicing a unit, and was now leaving. I felt he might believe me, since my company's name is emblazoned across three sides of my vehicle.
"The one in this building?" he barked.
"No, the one in the next building over."
Now his demeanor melted a bit, to let me know he'd been having some fun with me. "Well, we've been having some troubles with the one here, too. Would you mind having a look?"
After changing into fresh undies, I did.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Another Reason Joe Baiungo Should Have Won (Open Trackbacks)
First of all, my many abject apologies for the dearth of blog posts. Workdays have gotten extremely long lately, with a lot of commuting. My lovely wife Rowan and I will be moving to another part of Maine in the coming months to shorten that. Most nights, it's all I can do to watch a little TV before bed.
Part of the reason my workdays have gotten so long is that I've finally gotten a promotion that's been in the works for a long time. I've spent a few weeks out of state, and will spend more, receiving training for my new position.
Indeed, it was during one of those week-long training sessions in November that I received a phone call from my wife, alerting me to a message on our home answering machine. To her, it was very cryptic. The District Attorney's office in Belfast wanted to know if I had received a subpoena in regards to a domestic assault case. Seems the subpoena had been sent out late.
Of course I hadn't, and I had to quickly assure my lovely bride that I had merely been a witness to an assault, not the perpetrator upon some secret second wife.
The further details of the message were that the case was going to trial the next morning, and they needed my testimony. I called the DA's Office and left a message that I was out of state till after Thanksgiving, but if they could reschedule the case and give me adequate notice, I'd be more than happy to help them out.
Later that evening, Rowan reported that another message had been left at home, saying that they would seek to continue the case, but were pessimistic that the continuance would be granted.
I never heard anything more about the case till the court news came out in the paper a couple of weeks later: case dismissed.
Now let me tell you exactly what it was that I had seen. I was working at my second job at the theatre on a Sunday afternoon, and out on the streets of Belfast, Nathaniel Littlehale and his wife were having an argument. Her voice was very loud, and could be heard for blocks. She was basically yelling at him from across the street. Nathaniel's voice was very low, but when he walked in front of the open theatre doors, he was heard to mumble, "I'm going to get that bitch."
A few seconds later, across the street from the theatre, I saw the two of them, arms locked, and he was shaking her. At this point, I called 911.
The police arrived before I had even finished giving all my info to the dispatcher. The officer later told me that when he heard the description, he knew exactly who the couple were. They had caused disturbances of the peace many times. When the cops got there, both Nathaniel and his wife denied any physical altercation had taken place. But based on my report, and the report of a tenant in an upstairs apartment overlooking the street, he would suggest to the DA's office that a charge of domestic violence was in order.
So if an incompetent DA like Geoffrey Rushlau hadn't been in office, a subpoena would have gotten to me in a timely manner, ensuring my attendance at the trial. (By the way, as of this writing in late January, that subpoena still hasn't found its way to me. Either the lady at the DA's office was lying when she said it had been sent, or the sheriff or the postal service has also been incompetent in getting it to me. My sources tell me that the DA's office routinely requests that piles of subpoenas for imminent trials be served on extremely short notice.)
I sure hope Joe Baiungo runs for DA again. Or at least someone else who won't hire staff who bungle a likely domestic violence conviction.
The reason I've been reminded to write about this today, months after the fact, is this article on Village Soup: In frigid temperatures, Littlehale homeless on Midcoast streets.
Not vehement. VIOLENT. He should be in jail, not in a homeless shelter. I'm sure the director of Hospitality House would have liked to say more than "there is a history there," to explain why Littlehale isn't welcome at the shelter in Rockland. Shelters are to help people who've fallen on hard times, not people who exhibit violent behavior. I used to volunteer overnight at a shelter in another part of the state, and certainly know that shelter staff and volunteers aren't in any position to deal with someone like Littlehale.
More to come.
This is this week's open trackback post. You may trackback on most any subject, provided you link to this post. Click here and here and here for more info on open trackbacks.
Untwisted Vortex offers a humorous Gulf War I story.
Tagged as:
Joe Baiungo
Geoffrey Rushlau
Belfast Maine
domestic violence
Nathaniel Littlehale
Part of the reason my workdays have gotten so long is that I've finally gotten a promotion that's been in the works for a long time. I've spent a few weeks out of state, and will spend more, receiving training for my new position.
Indeed, it was during one of those week-long training sessions in November that I received a phone call from my wife, alerting me to a message on our home answering machine. To her, it was very cryptic. The District Attorney's office in Belfast wanted to know if I had received a subpoena in regards to a domestic assault case. Seems the subpoena had been sent out late.
Of course I hadn't, and I had to quickly assure my lovely bride that I had merely been a witness to an assault, not the perpetrator upon some secret second wife.
The further details of the message were that the case was going to trial the next morning, and they needed my testimony. I called the DA's Office and left a message that I was out of state till after Thanksgiving, but if they could reschedule the case and give me adequate notice, I'd be more than happy to help them out.
Later that evening, Rowan reported that another message had been left at home, saying that they would seek to continue the case, but were pessimistic that the continuance would be granted.
I never heard anything more about the case till the court news came out in the paper a couple of weeks later: case dismissed.
Now let me tell you exactly what it was that I had seen. I was working at my second job at the theatre on a Sunday afternoon, and out on the streets of Belfast, Nathaniel Littlehale and his wife were having an argument. Her voice was very loud, and could be heard for blocks. She was basically yelling at him from across the street. Nathaniel's voice was very low, but when he walked in front of the open theatre doors, he was heard to mumble, "I'm going to get that bitch."
A few seconds later, across the street from the theatre, I saw the two of them, arms locked, and he was shaking her. At this point, I called 911.
The police arrived before I had even finished giving all my info to the dispatcher. The officer later told me that when he heard the description, he knew exactly who the couple were. They had caused disturbances of the peace many times. When the cops got there, both Nathaniel and his wife denied any physical altercation had taken place. But based on my report, and the report of a tenant in an upstairs apartment overlooking the street, he would suggest to the DA's office that a charge of domestic violence was in order.
So if an incompetent DA like Geoffrey Rushlau hadn't been in office, a subpoena would have gotten to me in a timely manner, ensuring my attendance at the trial. (By the way, as of this writing in late January, that subpoena still hasn't found its way to me. Either the lady at the DA's office was lying when she said it had been sent, or the sheriff or the postal service has also been incompetent in getting it to me. My sources tell me that the DA's office routinely requests that piles of subpoenas for imminent trials be served on extremely short notice.)
I sure hope Joe Baiungo runs for DA again. Or at least someone else who won't hire staff who bungle a likely domestic violence conviction.
The reason I've been reminded to write about this today, months after the fact, is this article on Village Soup: In frigid temperatures, Littlehale homeless on Midcoast streets.
He admits to having vehement arguments with his wife, which is why, he said, that he cannot stay with her relatives. He also admits that he has refused to be taken to a shelter in Bangor because his wife could not go there with him.
Not vehement. VIOLENT. He should be in jail, not in a homeless shelter. I'm sure the director of Hospitality House would have liked to say more than "there is a history there," to explain why Littlehale isn't welcome at the shelter in Rockland. Shelters are to help people who've fallen on hard times, not people who exhibit violent behavior. I used to volunteer overnight at a shelter in another part of the state, and certainly know that shelter staff and volunteers aren't in any position to deal with someone like Littlehale.
More to come.
Untwisted Vortex offers a humorous Gulf War I story.
Tagged as:

Saturday, December 30, 2006
My First Blingo Win
Just a quick update on my earlier post about Blingo. I just won a $25 gift certificate to Amazon.com! Very cool!

Otherwise, sorry about the lack of posting these past couple months. Much of November was spent out of state, getting some training for work. This month has just been crazy, since I've been on the road all over the state. This past vacation week, which I had intended to use for writing (including blogging) outside of the obligatory festivities, has found me mostly coughing up my lungs and wishing I could sleep. No, the GC from Amazon doesn't make up for it, but it's a great way to end the year.
Happy New Year!

Otherwise, sorry about the lack of posting these past couple months. Much of November was spent out of state, getting some training for work. This month has just been crazy, since I've been on the road all over the state. This past vacation week, which I had intended to use for writing (including blogging) outside of the obligatory festivities, has found me mostly coughing up my lungs and wishing I could sleep. No, the GC from Amazon doesn't make up for it, but it's a great way to end the year.
Happy New Year!
Filed Under:
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Win Prizes thru Internet Searches
How would you like to win prizes while you're just doing what comes naturally and searching the internet thru the auspices of Google? Well, Publishers Clearing House has a deal for you. Just click on the perty picture below and sign up.

In a nutshell, Blingo preselects certain times of day when a prize will be given away. If you execute the first search after that time, you win the prize. Only your first ten searches each day are applicable, so you're not really doing yourself any favors by sitting at the keyboard and executing search after search.
And the searches are actually carried out by Google, so you know what the results will be like. PCH funds the prizes given out thru Blingo from part of the revenue they get from the Google search ads. (Now if I tried to get people to run extra searches that way, Google would say I was running afoul of their TOS!)
Anyway, check it out. Sign up thru my links, and have fun. (Disclosure: If you win something after signing up thru my links, I'll win it, too!)

In a nutshell, Blingo preselects certain times of day when a prize will be given away. If you execute the first search after that time, you win the prize. Only your first ten searches each day are applicable, so you're not really doing yourself any favors by sitting at the keyboard and executing search after search.
And the searches are actually carried out by Google, so you know what the results will be like. PCH funds the prizes given out thru Blingo from part of the revenue they get from the Google search ads. (Now if I tried to get people to run extra searches that way, Google would say I was running afoul of their TOS!)
Anyway, check it out. Sign up thru my links, and have fun. (Disclosure: If you win something after signing up thru my links, I'll win it, too!)
Filed Under:
Saturday, December 2, 2006
Mystickal Incense
Welcome back to Stephanie Davies and the Mystickal Incense & More Blog. She's this week's renter in the navigation column. Lately, she's been helping spread the word about Honey the Cat. Way to go!
Filed Under:
Friday, November 24, 2006
Jonathan Frakes, Genie Francis and the Meaning of Christmas
Jonathan Frakes (yes, that Jonathan Frakes) made an appearance at the Belfast, Maine planning board the other night, to speak out against a proposed social services center that would be housed in the former Jed's Restaurant.
Of course the former Will Riker is quite concerned about business near the service center, since his wife Genie Francis (yes, that Genie Francis) has recently opened a home furnishings store about a tenth of a mile from Jed's. Here's a satellite image to give you an idea. The former Jed's Restaurant is at 49 Searsport Ave., while The Cherished Home is at #31.

First, let's look into Frakes' painful imagining of "homeless drug and alcohol abusers getting run over as they walk to the service center".
The speed limit on this stretch of Route One is 35mph, I believe. I'm not sure, but I believe that there may even be a sidewalk on the side of the road. It's hard to tell from this picture on The Cherished Home's website. Regardless, there's plenty of room for pedestrians on the side of the road.
Look at this satellite view, which pulls back a bit to show the bridges from Belfast proper to the East Side.

The lower bridge across the Passagassawakeag River is purely for pedestrians. It's just been nicely refurbished, at no small expense. Lots of folks in Belfast wanted more pedestrians coming your way, Jonathan. Sorry. But you knew that before your wife opened the store.
Maybe Mr. Frakes is concerned about the folks who live in the trailer colony along the eastern bank of the Passy. Lucky for them, they've got a crosswalk where their road meets Route One.
How about the folks who are coming from out of town, and don't know their way around? If Grace International Corp. gets the social service center up and running, I'd have to imagine that their clients would be able to make use of the Waldo Community Action Partners' Transportation Services.
That takes care of the safety concerns, which Mr. Frakes wisely voiced prior to making his true objection. Namely, that the proximity of the social service center to his wife's business will hurt his wife's business.
Okay, it's probably true. But here's why I have little sympathy.
Just look at some of the products Francis is selling. This is the sort of retail establishment that, like most, will get its big sales during the Christmas shopping season.
What happens when some authentic Christians show up in the neighborhood, and try and help the poor and afflicted? Nope, can't have that!
I wish I had a better word than hypocritical to use here, since it doesn't really seem to fit. But the fact that Frakes and Francis seem willing to economically exploit one of the major Christian holidays while working to thwart the activities of Christians who are focusing on charitable deeds doesn't seem too becoming.
I'm just a Buddhist in the backwoods of Maine who's likely going to eternal damnation, as Mike Hein of the Maine Christian Civic league disparagingly referred to me. But I know enough to support Christian efforts to help the poor, battered women and addicts. Even if I were a Christian, I probably wouldn't be the kind of Christian that would join Grace International Corp. But I would support their efforts in this project. Wholeheartedly. Even Buddhists understand the True Meaning of Christmas.
Linking to the following blogs with open trackback posts: Pirate's Cove, The World According to
Carl, Comedian Jenée: People are Idiots, Woman Honor Thyself, The Hill Chronicles (Layla's back!), Don Surber, Right Wing Nation, Rightwing Guy, Leaning Straight Up, Cao's Blog
Tagged as:
Jonathan Frakes
Genie Francis
Star Trek
General Hospital
Mike Hein
Maine Christian Civic League
Jonathan Frakes of 31 Searsport Ave. pictured homeless drug and alcohol abusers getting run over as they walk to the service center.
"I feel the project would be a blight on the community and would deter business," Frakes said.
Of course the former Will Riker is quite concerned about business near the service center, since his wife Genie Francis (yes, that Genie Francis) has recently opened a home furnishings store about a tenth of a mile from Jed's. Here's a satellite image to give you an idea. The former Jed's Restaurant is at 49 Searsport Ave., while The Cherished Home is at #31.

First, let's look into Frakes' painful imagining of "homeless drug and alcohol abusers getting run over as they walk to the service center".
The speed limit on this stretch of Route One is 35mph, I believe. I'm not sure, but I believe that there may even be a sidewalk on the side of the road. It's hard to tell from this picture on The Cherished Home's website. Regardless, there's plenty of room for pedestrians on the side of the road.
Look at this satellite view, which pulls back a bit to show the bridges from Belfast proper to the East Side.

The lower bridge across the Passagassawakeag River is purely for pedestrians. It's just been nicely refurbished, at no small expense. Lots of folks in Belfast wanted more pedestrians coming your way, Jonathan. Sorry. But you knew that before your wife opened the store.
Maybe Mr. Frakes is concerned about the folks who live in the trailer colony along the eastern bank of the Passy. Lucky for them, they've got a crosswalk where their road meets Route One.
How about the folks who are coming from out of town, and don't know their way around? If Grace International Corp. gets the social service center up and running, I'd have to imagine that their clients would be able to make use of the Waldo Community Action Partners' Transportation Services.
That takes care of the safety concerns, which Mr. Frakes wisely voiced prior to making his true objection. Namely, that the proximity of the social service center to his wife's business will hurt his wife's business.
Okay, it's probably true. But here's why I have little sympathy.
Just look at some of the products Francis is selling. This is the sort of retail establishment that, like most, will get its big sales during the Christmas shopping season.
What happens when some authentic Christians show up in the neighborhood, and try and help the poor and afflicted? Nope, can't have that!
I wish I had a better word than hypocritical to use here, since it doesn't really seem to fit. But the fact that Frakes and Francis seem willing to economically exploit one of the major Christian holidays while working to thwart the activities of Christians who are focusing on charitable deeds doesn't seem too becoming.
I'm just a Buddhist in the backwoods of Maine who's likely going to eternal damnation, as Mike Hein of the Maine Christian Civic league disparagingly referred to me. But I know enough to support Christian efforts to help the poor, battered women and addicts. Even if I were a Christian, I probably wouldn't be the kind of Christian that would join Grace International Corp. But I would support their efforts in this project. Wholeheartedly. Even Buddhists understand the True Meaning of Christmas.
Linking to the following blogs with open trackback posts: Pirate's Cove, The World According to
Carl, Comedian Jenée: People are Idiots, Woman Honor Thyself, The Hill Chronicles (Layla's back!), Don Surber, Right Wing Nation, Rightwing Guy, Leaning Straight Up, Cao's Blog
Tagged as:

I Got Paid by PayPerPost
I'm back from the extended out-of-state training sessions, and am happy to report that the whole time I was gone, PayPerPost was steadily dropping payments in my PayPal account for the posts I had written in the previous month. At this point, since my blogging took a backseat to my other jobs over the last thirty days, they've caught up with my posts. I've been paid $286.01 to date, and have sent six bucks to charity. That averages out to about seven bucks a post. Not too shabby. Since the average post takes me fifteen to twenty minutes to write, that's an hourly rate in the twenties.
I also got a box full of goodies from Edmund Scientific in the process, and I've still got a few of those to review.
I do seem like an underachiever compared to the folks who are on the leader boards at PPP, with their thousands in earnings. But for a blogger like me who wants to pick and choose the advertising that appears in blog posts, PayPerPost is an easy way to get some extra spending cash. Knowing that there's a stream of cash coming every few days makes blogging fun.
This is a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this post are nevertheless my own. Please read my disclosure policy on sponsored posts.
I also got a box full of goodies from Edmund Scientific in the process, and I've still got a few of those to review.
I do seem like an underachiever compared to the folks who are on the leader boards at PPP, with their thousands in earnings. But for a blogger like me who wants to pick and choose the advertising that appears in blog posts, PayPerPost is an easy way to get some extra spending cash. Knowing that there's a stream of cash coming every few days makes blogging fun.
This is a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this post are nevertheless my own. Please read my disclosure policy on sponsored posts.
Filed Under:
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Borat is a Must-See
Most of the time, movies fail to live up to hype. Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan is one of those rare cases where the movie is much much funnier than I had imagined.
Its sense of humor is very crude, but where lesser films would have depended on crudeness and shock value to entertain, this one goes the extra mile and always adds a nice, unexpected touch to every situation. The fact that most of the people in the movie don't realize that Borat is just a character makes it all the more revealing.
The relentless barrage of "isms" that come from Borat's mouth, and those that others offer, also provide the movie some actual redeeming social value. I can understand why these frat boys felt a bit humiliated by their appearance in the movie. Especially the guy who one minute is bemoaning the alleged power minorities have in the U.S., and the next minute agreeing to play a perverted Kazakhi game involving a mouse.
It's also a rare case of a movie based on a TV skit character that leaves you wanting more. As a projectionist, I had to pump up the volume several times on opening night because people were laughing so hard and long.
Linking to the following blogs with open trackback posts: Conservative Culture, amboy times, stageleft, The Uncooperative Blogger
Linked by Rightwing Guy. Thanks!
Its sense of humor is very crude, but where lesser films would have depended on crudeness and shock value to entertain, this one goes the extra mile and always adds a nice, unexpected touch to every situation. The fact that most of the people in the movie don't realize that Borat is just a character makes it all the more revealing.
The relentless barrage of "isms" that come from Borat's mouth, and those that others offer, also provide the movie some actual redeeming social value. I can understand why these frat boys felt a bit humiliated by their appearance in the movie. Especially the guy who one minute is bemoaning the alleged power minorities have in the U.S., and the next minute agreeing to play a perverted Kazakhi game involving a mouse.
It's also a rare case of a movie based on a TV skit character that leaves you wanting more. As a projectionist, I had to pump up the volume several times on opening night because people were laughing so hard and long.
Linking to the following blogs with open trackback posts: Conservative Culture, amboy times, stageleft, The Uncooperative Blogger
Linked by Rightwing Guy. Thanks!
I've signed up for a new paid-to-blog service, ReviewMe. Actually, similar to Lisa Renee's experience, I received an email touting my "preapproved" status a few days ago. It turns out that ReviewMe is part of the Text Link Ads family.
At least four features distinguish ReviewMe from other post-sponsoring marketplaces. First, it requires that each sponsored post be disclosed as such. Thus, every post that I publish on this blog that has been sponsored thru ReviewMe will have disclosure text appended to it, with a link to my disclosure policy. I've already been doing a similar thing with all my other sponsored posts, but now the text will be more generic to reflect the fact that I'll be considering sponsorship from multiple sources. I will categorize ReviewMe posts as, strangely enough, "reviewme."
The second distinguishing feature is that advertisers are not allowed to require a positive review of their product, service or website. In the long run, I think advertisers will be better served by getting honest evaluations from the bloggers they are paying to post reviews.
The third distinguishing feature, and the one that gives me great joy as a careful writer, is that, upon accepting an assignment, a blogger will have 48 hours to complete the post and submit it.
The fourth distinguishing feature is that each blog is evaluated in terms of incoming links, traffic and rss subscribers, and posts are compensated accordingly. It will be interesting to see how this model of sponsored posts will work.
So far, this is the only opportunity open to me to blog about, so I can't give much info about personal experience with ReviewMe. Signing up was a snap, since I was preapproved. Navigation about the site is easy, and they have a blog that indicates things are really just getting started. I'll keep you posted on how things progress.
This is a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this post are nevertheless my own. Please read my disclosure policy on sponsored posts.
At least four features distinguish ReviewMe from other post-sponsoring marketplaces. First, it requires that each sponsored post be disclosed as such. Thus, every post that I publish on this blog that has been sponsored thru ReviewMe will have disclosure text appended to it, with a link to my disclosure policy. I've already been doing a similar thing with all my other sponsored posts, but now the text will be more generic to reflect the fact that I'll be considering sponsorship from multiple sources. I will categorize ReviewMe posts as, strangely enough, "reviewme."
The second distinguishing feature is that advertisers are not allowed to require a positive review of their product, service or website. In the long run, I think advertisers will be better served by getting honest evaluations from the bloggers they are paying to post reviews.
The third distinguishing feature, and the one that gives me great joy as a careful writer, is that, upon accepting an assignment, a blogger will have 48 hours to complete the post and submit it.
The fourth distinguishing feature is that each blog is evaluated in terms of incoming links, traffic and rss subscribers, and posts are compensated accordingly. It will be interesting to see how this model of sponsored posts will work.
So far, this is the only opportunity open to me to blog about, so I can't give much info about personal experience with ReviewMe. Signing up was a snap, since I was preapproved. Navigation about the site is easy, and they have a blog that indicates things are really just getting started. I'll keep you posted on how things progress.
This is a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this post are nevertheless my own. Please read my disclosure policy on sponsored posts.
Filed Under:
Disclosure Policy

I, Tor Lindahl, do hereby declare that this is my disclosure policy as relates to blog post content at Tor's Rants. It is in effect as of Sunday, November 12, 2006.
I personally write, edit, moderate and otherwise generate all content on this blog. If you have any questions, please use the contact info in the sidebar, or lay it on me in a comments section.
Some of my blog posts are sponsored by companies, organizations or individuals. I may receive compensation for such posts in many forms, including (but not limited to) cash, products or services for review, travel, or event tickets. I will always clearly disclose sponsored posts with text at the end of the posts.
Even tho I may have received compensation in return for writing a blog post about a product, service, website or other topic, the thoughts and words in the post will be my own. Still, as is the case with anything you might read in the blogosphere, please conduct your own due diligence as to the factual accuracy of anything I have written in any post, sponsored or otherwise.
In any post, sponsored or otherwise, it is my intent to disclose any relationship that my readers may perceive as a conflict of interest. I also would like to remind my readers that my writings are influenced by my background, occupations, religion, political affiliation and general irritability.
"What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: our life is the creation of our mind." -- Dhammapada
There are also third-party ads that run in various areas of this webpage. I derive income from allowing these ads to run on my blog, and from the interested visitors who click through to visit the advertisers' webpages.
I also will sometimes include affiliate links to products I am discussing in non-sponsored posts, or on other areas of the webpage. If you click on the links and order products from the websites, I will receive referral commissions from the sales. I don't bother to label such links as affiliate links, since most folks will easily recognize them as such. If you're
For help in writing your own policy, go to http://www.disclosurepolicy.org
Filed Under:
Sunday, November 5, 2006
Joe Baiungo and His Campaign Signs
I've gotten an email from Joe Baiungo, the local candidate for District Attorney, whose campaign signs have been creeping me out for weeks.
Actually, in the time since I commented on Baiungo's signs, I've had the opportunity to do a little bit of due diligence on the District Attorney's race. Indeed, due to the fact that I'll be out of state on election day, I've already cast my absentee ballot. Baiungo got my vote, and it wasn't just because he sent me an email with many semicolons. For those investigating the issues, a good place to start is at this exchange of letters at VillageSoup. I've also had a few conversations with folks who know Baiungo, and they all felt he was up to the task of being a good prosecutor.
It's good that Baiungo plans to put more emphasis on prosecuting child sexual predators. I do hope that he'll consider making a similar decrease of emphasis on prosecuting nonviolent crimes like ownership of more than a certain amount of marijuana. If we could get folks who just enjoy the use of certain substances out of jail (disclosure: I don't partake, and don't suggest that anyone else should), there'd be plenty of room for the folks who truly need to be removed from society.
Tor: Someone emailed me a copy of your blog about my signs; you're not the only one that has commented on the fact that the eyes seem to follow you (the FedEx driver said he waived to me three times the other day). And, yes, they have been the subject of some vandalism; some more creative than others. In Bristol, they drew me up as Gene Simmons from Kiss.
I also recognize the inference about the egotism; the only thing I can say is that it was not comfortable for me to post pictures of myself all over the coast; but the signs have had the effect of getting the attention of people to a race that they otherwise would not know much about.
Regardless of whether I have your support or not, I am hoping you are encouraging people you know to get out and vote for their preferred candidates for this election.
Respectfully, Joe.
Joseph W. Baiungo
111-A Church St.
Belfast, ME 04915
(207) 338-6841
Actually, in the time since I commented on Baiungo's signs, I've had the opportunity to do a little bit of due diligence on the District Attorney's race. Indeed, due to the fact that I'll be out of state on election day, I've already cast my absentee ballot. Baiungo got my vote, and it wasn't just because he sent me an email with many semicolons. For those investigating the issues, a good place to start is at this exchange of letters at VillageSoup. I've also had a few conversations with folks who know Baiungo, and they all felt he was up to the task of being a good prosecutor.
It's good that Baiungo plans to put more emphasis on prosecuting child sexual predators. I do hope that he'll consider making a similar decrease of emphasis on prosecuting nonviolent crimes like ownership of more than a certain amount of marijuana. If we could get folks who just enjoy the use of certain substances out of jail (disclosure: I don't partake, and don't suggest that anyone else should), there'd be plenty of room for the folks who truly need to be removed from society.
Monday, October 30, 2006
New Taxpayer Bill of Rights Commercial (Open Trackbacks)
For the benefit of those who've noticed that I've been MIA from the blog for more than a week, thanks for noticing. Things are well. As a matter of fact, my day job, which I've written about in a necessarily vague way previously, has kept me very busy lately. As a matter of fact, it seems that the very good news I've been waiting to hear for months will indeed come about. I'm still in finger-crossing mode here, but things do look good.
I sure wish I didn't have to work two jobs to live in Maine. I know the folks in this political commercial are actors, but the prospect of needing to move from the lovely state of Maine because of its high tax burden is one that I've been contemplating for a very long time.
Another note: The good news about my day job means I'll be out of state for long stretches of time in the coming weeks, in order to receive training. If this post is still on the front page throughout November, please feel free to send your trackback pings to it. (I've always been liberal in accepting pings well into Wednesday, anyway). I'll put up links on the weekends, when I'm home. I'm not sure about whether I'll have much time for blogging while I'm away, so please don't worry about me. In this case, no news is really good news.
This is this week's open trackback post. You may trackback on most any subject, provided you link to this post. Click here and here and here for more info on open trackbacks. I'll be very busy Monday and Tuesday, but should have a chance to put the links up late Tuesday night or Wednesday night, at the latest.
Comedian Jenee has a nice rant about Hollywood's Silly Scene.
Freedom Folks have an Exclusive Interview with Larry Wachs.
Chaotic Synaptic Activity would like to draw your attention to a program to provide laptops for wounded veterans.
123beta chimes in with some fun Halloween stuff.
Bernie Planck lets us know about Hillary Clinton's qualifications, and also the qualifications - ahem - of Scarlett Johansson.
Renaissance Blogger talks about atheism.
Tagged as:
Taxpayer Bill of Rights
Mary Adams
I sure wish I didn't have to work two jobs to live in Maine. I know the folks in this political commercial are actors, but the prospect of needing to move from the lovely state of Maine because of its high tax burden is one that I've been contemplating for a very long time.
Another note: The good news about my day job means I'll be out of state for long stretches of time in the coming weeks, in order to receive training. If this post is still on the front page throughout November, please feel free to send your trackback pings to it. (I've always been liberal in accepting pings well into Wednesday, anyway). I'll put up links on the weekends, when I'm home. I'm not sure about whether I'll have much time for blogging while I'm away, so please don't worry about me. In this case, no news is really good news.
Comedian Jenee has a nice rant about Hollywood's Silly Scene.
Freedom Folks have an Exclusive Interview with Larry Wachs.
Chaotic Synaptic Activity would like to draw your attention to a program to provide laptops for wounded veterans.
123beta chimes in with some fun Halloween stuff.
Bernie Planck lets us know about Hillary Clinton's qualifications, and also the qualifications - ahem - of Scarlett Johansson.
Renaissance Blogger talks about atheism.
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Friday, October 20, 2006
If the film Islander comes to a theater near you, by all means go see it. It's about a lobsterman who lives on the island of Vinalhaven, just off the Maine coast. His headstrong ways about keeping mainlanders from lobstering near the island lead to a terrible accidental death. After he gets out of prison, he has to try and pick up the pieces of his life on Vinalhaven.
In general, the cast did an okay job of imitating the coastal Maine accent. My lovely wife Rowan put it best in noting that they tended to drift in and out of it a bit, and that if they had indeed gone for a true island accent, subtitles would have been necessary, even for many Mainers.
The movie was well shot for its budget, tho as a projectionist I was forced to give up trying to find a good focus spot. It just didn't stay in one place.
In general, the cast did an okay job of imitating the coastal Maine accent. My lovely wife Rowan put it best in noting that they tended to drift in and out of it a bit, and that if they had indeed gone for a true island accent, subtitles would have been necessary, even for many Mainers.
The movie was well shot for its budget, tho as a projectionist I was forced to give up trying to find a good focus spot. It just didn't stay in one place.
Another PayPerPost Puzzle
Ever on the lookout for blog ads, yours truly is posting a piece of another PayPerPost puzzle, this one codenamed payperpostbluemonster. The first to assemble all the pieces and post it on their blog will get $500. I doubt it will be me, since I have to work tonight, and it looks like there's a deluge of puzzle pieces coming out right now. Good luck, fellow Posties!

This post has been sponsored via PayPerPost. Tor has written the post and it reflects his thoughts. If you are a blogger who would like to have the opportunity for post sponsors, please sign up at PayPerPost and fill in tor at torsrants dot com as your referral.

This post has been sponsored via PayPerPost. Tor has written the post and it reflects his thoughts. If you are a blogger who would like to have the opportunity for post sponsors, please sign up at PayPerPost and fill in tor at torsrants dot com as your referral.
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Charles Darwin's Works Online
Charles Darwin's archives are being put online. It's hard to understate the importance of the ability of normal folks to use the internet to see as much of Darwin's work as possible. Darwin has been misquoted and misconstrued so often by Intelligent Designists and other creationists, that it will be wonderful to be able to point authoritatively to his actual words and ideas in his works.
Now if we could just get Richard Dawkins to relinquish copyright on his wonderful explanations of the modern picture of evolution and post it all online, free for the taking. 'Twould be a great service to humanity.
Tagged as:
Richard Dawkins
Intelligent Design
Now if we could just get Richard Dawkins to relinquish copyright on his wonderful explanations of the modern picture of evolution and post it all online, free for the taking. 'Twould be a great service to humanity.
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Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Quantitative Analysis Spectroscope

If you need a stocking stuffer for your junior physicist or chemist, consider Edmund Scientific's affordable spectroscope.

It will allow you to analyze light wavelengths from 4000Å to 7000Å in both emission and absorption spectra. In combination with a spectrum analysis chart and spectrum tubes (or a less expensive set of acrylic filters), a young experimenter will be able to learn a lot about the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Even without the charts and spectrum tubes, the spectroscope is a lot of fun around the house.
Here are a couple of different views of the inside of the spectroscope, aimed at different light sources around my house.

It's hard to tell from the pictures, but there's a scale atop the diffracted bands of light. A good household experiment might be to look at the different wavelengths from incandescent bulbs and fluorescent bulbs. If there are any old sodium lights in your town, check them out. The next thing to check out would be neon lights. How about the light from the television, or computer monitor? I wouldn't recommend looking at sunlight with this spectroscope.
If that last experiment sounds up your alley, check out Edmund's Night Spectra Quest Spectrum Card. It has a complete lesson plan that will help you learn about light pollution in your area and identify the different kinds of lights you encounter.
Edmund's Scientific has a lot of other great gift ideas for the holiday season. The little icky boy in me would love to play with Bug Watch. It's a double viewer that lets you look at any insect specimen from both top and bottom. Kewl! Or as we say in Maine, some old wicked!
This post has been sponsored via PayPerPost. Tor has written the post and it reflects his thoughts. If you are a blogger who would like to have the opportunity for post sponsors, please sign up at PayPerPost and fill in tor at torsrants dot com as your referral.
Barbara Merrill Still Third, But Gaining
Some interesting quotes in today's Press Herald about Maine independent gubernatorial candidate Barbara Merrill:
The consensus on Merrill's candidacy has generally been that she might be a spoiler for Democratic Governor John Baldacci, and enable Republican candidate Chandler Woodcock to gain a slim plurality of the vote next month. Ever since I read her book, I've been inclined to believe that she might take a good number of votes from the libertarians among registered Republicans (and I include myself among that number). Woodcock's strong suit with Republicans right now is that he is the only candidate who unreservedly supports TABOR, the Taxpayer's Bill of Rights. Merrill's nuanced approach to TABOR, while landing in the anti-TABOR camp, sends plenty of signals to folks like me that she intends to accomplish more budget reduction (or at least restraint) at the state level than TABORistas ever dreamt of.
As of right now, Merrill still has my vote, despite her quixotic attack on campaign signs. Sorry, Chandler.
Tagged as:
Barbara Merrill
Chandler Woodcock
John Baldacci
Michelle Thomas of Turner listened to Merrill's presentation and said she was impressed with what she heard.
"I think she has done her homework," Thomas said. "She understands what the issues are. She is not going to be partisan. I was leaning toward Woodcock, but now I'm not so sure."
William Jefferson Lewis, a Republican, also listened to Merrill's presentation. He found it impressive that she has a business plan, but says he will withhold judgment on whom to vote for until he has heard from Woodcock.
Richard Crabtree counts himself as a member of Merrill's Marauders, a newly formed group of Republicans and Democrats who support Merrill's gubernatorial bid.
Crabtree, a former executive for Central Maine Power Co., has been a Republican for more than 40 years, but became a Merrill supporter after reading her book.
"It (the book) contains a vision that is realizable. You have to have a plan in order to lead. You need to have an idea of where you are going, and Barbara has that," Crabtree said.
The consensus on Merrill's candidacy has generally been that she might be a spoiler for Democratic Governor John Baldacci, and enable Republican candidate Chandler Woodcock to gain a slim plurality of the vote next month. Ever since I read her book, I've been inclined to believe that she might take a good number of votes from the libertarians among registered Republicans (and I include myself among that number). Woodcock's strong suit with Republicans right now is that he is the only candidate who unreservedly supports TABOR, the Taxpayer's Bill of Rights. Merrill's nuanced approach to TABOR, while landing in the anti-TABOR camp, sends plenty of signals to folks like me that she intends to accomplish more budget reduction (or at least restraint) at the state level than TABORistas ever dreamt of.
As of right now, Merrill still has my vote, despite her quixotic attack on campaign signs. Sorry, Chandler.
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Finding Cheap Health Insurance
The State of Maine is in serious trouble when it comes to health care. Chandler Woodcock, the Republican gubernatorial candidate, would like to let market forces bring down the costs of health care services and insurance.
If that should become a reality, Mainers will need a tool to help them find affordable healthcare and insurance. Here's one to file away for future reference: Vimo.

Vimo is the only place on the internet where a consumer can find comparison shopping information on insurance, Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), medical procedures, doctors and dentists.
Suppose you need a balloon angioplasty. Go to Vimo, enter your sex, heart procedure, and balloon angioplasty. You'll get search results including the name of the hospital in the country that charges the least amount for it, as well as the hospital that performs it the most frequently every year, along with other useful information to help you make an informed choice.
In the age of information, it's a shame that Mainers aren't immediately able to partake in Vimo's comparison shopping for health insurance. If Woodcock gets his way, we'll be happy Vimo's there.
This post has been sponsored via PayPerPost. Tor has written the post and it reflects his thoughts. If you are a blogger who would like to have the opportunity for post sponsors, please sign up at PayPerPost and fill in tor at torsrants dot com as your referral.
And Republican Sen. Chandler Woodcock said the state needs to bring in more competition to force rates to go down.
"We need to be able to buy health insurance outside the state," he said.
If that should become a reality, Mainers will need a tool to help them find affordable healthcare and insurance. Here's one to file away for future reference: Vimo.

Vimo is the only place on the internet where a consumer can find comparison shopping information on insurance, Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), medical procedures, doctors and dentists.
Suppose you need a balloon angioplasty. Go to Vimo, enter your sex, heart procedure, and balloon angioplasty. You'll get search results including the name of the hospital in the country that charges the least amount for it, as well as the hospital that performs it the most frequently every year, along with other useful information to help you make an informed choice.
In the age of information, it's a shame that Mainers aren't immediately able to partake in Vimo's comparison shopping for health insurance. If Woodcock gets his way, we'll be happy Vimo's there.
This post has been sponsored via PayPerPost. Tor has written the post and it reflects his thoughts. If you are a blogger who would like to have the opportunity for post sponsors, please sign up at PayPerPost and fill in tor at torsrants dot com as your referral.
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