Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Kansas Wants Its Children To Be Idiots

The Kansas Board of Education has tentatively approved new state science standards that weaken the role evolution plays in teaching about the origin of life.

This is just another reason why, ultimately, I think we have to totally demolish the public education system. We need to make an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that says government will have absolutely nothing to do with the education of children whatsoever. Liberals want to use the coercive setting of the public schools to undermine morals which parents try to instill. Conservatives want to use the coercive setting of the public schools to deride scientific thinking. Enough is enough. Let sane people pay to have their kids learn proper science, and let idiots like those on the Kansas Board of Education pay to have their kids be idiots. Highly moral idiots, but idiots.



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