Tuesday, March 7, 2006

The War on Drugs Thwarts the War on Terror

Just the other day, I was thinking that the only thing more dangerous to Americans' civil liberties than the Patriot Act is the War on Drugs. Seems there's been a merger. Now they're going after people with runny noses, according to the Washington Post.

The idea is to make all sellers of products that could become ingredients of methamphetamine restrict access to those products. It would be just a step away from requiring prescriptions. As soon as this plan would be implemented, I surmise there will be an immense black market for those products. Heck, I might even be tempted to supplement my income by walking into the pharmacy every two weeks and picking up a box of Sudafed.

An article in the new issue of Time shows another practical effect of the War on Drugs and the immense profitability that it gives to the illicit drug trade: It makes the War on Terror (which the Patriot Act supposedly was dreamt up to facilitate) more difficult to prosecute. The illegality of heroin drives the prices up, and more and more farmers in Afghanistan are attracted to growing poppies. And who in Afghanistan is willing to provide security for the growers at premium prices? You guessed it: the Taliban.

The War on Drugs is giving aid and comfort to the forces of evil around the world. And we in the U.S. wonder why the undeveloped world does not see us as an ally.



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